Climate consious wastewater handling

Gryaab has a strategy to supply the Gothenburg region with climate efficient wastewater treatment, aiding the region to become climate neutral by the year of 2030.

Wastewater treatment needs energy and chemicals. With a high amount of infiltration and inflow to the sewer system, planned population increase and expected stricter effluent standards, decreasing the climate impact is going to be quite a challenge! The board of directors has thus set a climate strategy to guarantee that climate impact is made an important aspect of every decision The strategy four parts in order to keep the direction towards reduced climate impact for small and large decisions.

Focusing on major points of climate impact

We prioritize minimizing climate impact from major sources of climate impact in the wastewater treatment. Currently, we are work along three tracks:

  1. Methanol used for denitrification can be reduced by optimizing the process or by buying fossil free carbon sources.
  2. Nitrogen oxide released from nitrifying trickling filters could be reduced by process optimization or by reconstruction of the nitrification units.
  3. Less methane could be released from sludge handling with better handling during and after digestion.
A pile of sludge at Rya WWTP
We always take climate impact into account in every descision

Climate impact included when major choices are made

When we invest in new treatment units or make other important choices of paths, we take climate impact into account. A major extension of the WWTP is being planned, to make it possible for us to handle stricter effluent limits after 2036. Climate impact is an important criteria to consider when choosing process and investments.

Climate impact and the workplace

The climate impact of the workplace is improved in balance with the workplaces of the municipalities.

  • Improvements advocated by the municipalities are also implemented at Gryaab. These include making it easier and cheaper to commute by bicycle or public transport
  • Reuse of equipment and furniture is concidered before concidering buying new ones.
  • Policies concerning for instance recycling and representation.
Symbolisk bild med ihoprullade ritningar, blå skyddshjälm, två kaffekoppar och överstrykningspennor.

Cooperation for sustainable systems

Gryaab cooperates with the municipalities and other important stakeholders, to develop and implement low impact sustainable systems for wastewater handling. Lower flows are a key to reduced climate impact of transporting and handling. A decision support system for the sewer system helps find the best ways to reduce infiltration and inflow.